If you are already using the developer dashboard but haven't paid this fee yet, you must now pay it in order to continue accessing your developer dashboard. You need to pay this one-time fee before you can access the Chrome Web Store Developer Dashboard. The registration fee helps to prevent fraud in the Chrome Web Store. # Why am I being asked to pay a registration fee?

We recommend that you broadly promote your extension, through marketing websites and other means, so that users will find your extension even outside of the store. There will be category lists in the store, as well as a variety of curated and algorithmically generated lists. Of course, each extension gets a page in the store, which will be searchable via the store and other search engines. The Chrome Web Store will surface extensions in a variety of ways. Installing an extension also allows you to grant it privileges such as unlimited local storage and background pages. Users can use extensions to add new features to existing web apps, get relevant information on pages and get timely notifications about certain events. # Why would someone install an extension instead of just using a bookmark or typing in a URL? These items are built with web technologies and run inside of web browsers. The Chrome Web Store is an open marketplace for Google Chrome Extensions and Google Chrome Themes, where consumers may browse, install, and purchase items and install them in their browser. # General Questions # What is the Chrome Web Store? We love the feedback.Please expand the Table of Contents to quickly navigate this page. Please leave a comment if you have any questions or comments or just want to request enhancements and new features.

And we hope you’ll also show us some love! We hope you’ll get the Organimi Chrome Apps from the Chrome WebStore. You can leave your review and rating as shown below: So go ahead and click the ‘Rate it’ button in green. Here you can rate the Chrome Apps and leave a review. Once you have added it to your Chrome browser, go back to the Organimi Chrome apps in the Chrome App Store close the window that you see above and you’ll see something like below: If Organimi is not already in your Chrome browser, you’ll see a blue ‘Add to Chrome’ button instead of the green ‘Launch Application’ button. When you click the link above, you’ll see a screen like below: Below is a quick guide on how to rate an app in the Chrome Web Store. It is not much work, but it would mean the world to us. We’ll remember you fondly when we do our IPO! Seriously!!! We ask very humbly that you go ahead and rate the application and leave a review. Now that you have added the Organimi Chrome App to your Chrome Browser, it’s time to share some love. Afterwards go to the Chrome Web Store and search for Organimi and add it to your Chrome browser.

You can create awesome org charts – in minutes – for up to 500 people.